Aug 282016

Cartoon older coupleA Brazilian doctor invented a Sitting Rising Test (SRT) which he says can predict your risk of dying in the next five years. I maintain as a Physical Therapist, that your ability to perform this test successfully depends on the strength of your glutes which is why my first video program, Muscle of Balance is devoted to teaching people exactly how to keep that muscle strong throughout life.

The SRT test is based on a score of 10 points. If you score less than 3 points your risk of dying is five times greater over the next five years. But for each point you earn, there is a 21% decrease in mortality for all causes. Curious to see how you do? Click this link.                                                                                                             (A special thanks to my sister, Tek Pratt for bringing this important study to my attention) 

Dr. Claudio Gil Araujo, MD, PhD, is a specialist in exercise and sports medicine. at Clínica de Medicina do Exercício – Clinimex, in Rio de Janeiro Brazil. Dr. Araujo invented SRT to measure non-aerobic physical fitness.